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 Meaning of Vrishabhanu

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Name Vrishabhanu generally means Father of goddess Radha, and is a Masculine (or Boy) name, which means generally Men's or Boy's have this name. Name Vrishabhanu has Indian origin and people with name Vrishabhanu are mostly Hindu by religion. Rashi of name Vrishabhanu is Vrushabh (Taurus) .

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Locally this name is spelled as ঵ৃষভানু; வரஷபாநு; వృషభాను; വൃഷഭാനു; ವೃಷಭಾನು; વૃષભાનુ; ਵਰਸ਼ਭਾਨੁ

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Similar sounding names: Vareshvar, Vireshvar, Virikvas, Vrajabala, Vrisapati, Vrishab, Vrishabh, Vrishabhaachala Vaasine Sri Venkatesaya Namaha, Vrishabhanu, Vrishabhasura Haarine Sri Venkatesaya Namaha

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Meaning of name 'Vrishabhanu' in different Region (Origin)
 Origin  In Local  Vrishabhanu means  Gender
Indian   Father of goddess Radha Boy

Meaning of name 'Vrishabhanu' in different Religion (Caste)
 Religion  Vrishabhanu means  Gender
Hindu Father of goddess Radha Boy

Meaning of name 'Vrishabhanu' in different Rashi
 Rashi  Vrishabhanu means  Gender  Quality of
Vrushabh (Taurus) Father of goddess Radha Boy Taurus

Meaning of name 'Vrishabhanu' in different language
 Language  In Local  Vrishabhanu means  Gender
Gujrati વૃષભાનુ Father of goddess Radha Boy
Telugu వృషభాను Father of goddess Radha Boy
Bengali ঵ৃষভানু Father of goddess Radha Boy
Malayalam വൃഷഭാനു Father of goddess Radha Boy
Punjabi ਵਰਸ਼ਭਾਨੁ Father of goddess Radha Boy
Kannada ವೃಷಭಾನು Father of goddess Radha Boy
Tamil வரஷபாநு Father of goddess Radha Boy

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»   Origin of name 'Vrishabhanu'
»   Gender of name 'Vrishabhanu'
»   Religion of name 'Vrishabhanu'
»   Rashi of name 'Vrishabhanu'
»   Numerical Characteristic of name 'Vrishabhanu'
»   Lucky number, color, day, metal for 'Vrishabhanu'
»   Auspicious Stones for 'Vrishabhanu'
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