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 Names meaning Flowers

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List of Names that means 'Flowers'
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
AlgomaNative AmericanValley of flowersGirl
AprilEnglishApril; Opening of flowers in springGirl
AprilIndianApril; Opening of flowers in springGirl
AzhaarIndianFlowers; Blossoms; The most shining; LuminousBoy
AzhaarIndianFlowers; BlossomsGirl
AzharIndianFlowers; Blossoms; The most shining; LuminousBoy
BanmalaIndianGarland of five types of flowersGirl
BanmalaIndianGarland of 5 types of flowersGirl
BlodeueddWelshFlowers; Flower facedGirl
BlodeuweddWelshFlowers; Flower facedGirl
BlossomEnglishFlowers on a fruit tree; Blooming; FloweringGirl
BlossomIndianFlowers on a fruit tree; Blooming; FloweringGirl
CalthaEnglishCup; Shape of the flowers when they openGirl
CalthaIndianCup; Shape of the flowers when they openGirl
ChameliIndianA Creeper with flowersGirl
ChameliIndianCreeper with fragrant flowersGirl
ChampakmalaIndianGarland of Champa flowersGirl
ChampamaliniIndianGarland of Champa flowersGirl
Chika  (散花)JapaneseScatter Flowers; WisdomGirl
EriantheGreekSweet flowersGirl
FloraEnglishFlower; Goddess of flowers and springGirl
FloraIndianFlower; Goddess of flowers and springGirl
FloreEnglishFlower; Goddess of flowers and springGirl
FloreIndianFlower; Goddess of flowers and springGirl
GajaraIndianGarland of flowersGirl
GajraIndianGarland of flowersGirl
GandhaIndianFragrant; Sweet scent; Fragrance of flowersGirl
GandhaaIndianFragrant; Sweet scent; Fragrance of flowersBoy
GandhaliIndianFragrance of flowersGirl
GandhaliIndianFragrance of flowers; Sweet scentGirl
GandhaliIndianFragrant; Sweet scent; Fragrance of flowersGirl
GulshanIndianGarden of flowersBoy
KusumeshIndianLord of flowersBoy
KusumitaIndianFlowers in bloomGirl
KusumodiniIndianQueen of flowersGirl
LunashaIndianBeauty and brightness of flowersGirl
MadhaviIndianHoney; Creeper with beautiful flowers; Spring timeGirl
MadhaviIndianHoney; A creeper with beautiful flowers; Spring timeGirl
MadhaviIndianCreeper with beautiful flowers; SpringtimeGirl
MadhaviIndianCreeper with beautiful flowers; Spring timeGirl
MalaIndianGarland; String of flowers or pearlGirl
Malai  (มาลัย)ThaiGarland of Flowers; CreamGirl
MalatiIndianCreeper with fragrant flowersGirl
MalatiIndianA creeper with fragrant flowersGirl
NaleshIndianKing of flowersBoy
NoxochicoztliNahuatlNecklace of flowersGirl
PhoolaIndianThe one blossoming like flowersBoy
PosalaNative AmericanFarewell to Spring flowersGirl
PoshikaIndianOne who's brought up in flowersGirl
PoshikaIndianThe one who's brought up in flowersGirl
PushkariniIndianLake having lotus flowersGirl
PushpadIndianOne who gives flowersBoy
PushpadIndianOne who gives flowersBoy
PushpeshIndianLord of flowersBoy
PushpinderIndianGod of flowersBoy
PushpitaIndianDecorated with flowersGirl
SaimaIndianMother of flowersGirl
SripuIndianFlowers devoted to godGirl
UdvitaIndianRiver filled with lotus flowersGirl
VishnayIndianFlowers of lord VishnuBoy
XochicotzinNahuatlNecklace of flowersGirl

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