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 Names meaning Guru

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List of Names that means 'Guru'
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
AgniveshIndianBright as the fire; Dhronacharya's guruBoy
AgniveshIndianDhronacharya's GuruBoy
AgniveshIndianDhronacharya's Guru; Bright as the fireBoy
AgniveshSanskritDhronacharya's Guru; Bright as the fireBoy
BaniIndianSayings of the guruBoy
BhadrabahuIndianA famous Jain acharya from medieval India; Guru of ChandraguptaBoy
ChamkaurIndianBattle field where Guru Gobind Singh foughtBoy
CharanjeetIndianWinning the service of Guru's lotus feetBoy
CharanjotIndianLight of Guru's lotus feetBoy
CharanpalIndianProtection under the Guru's lotus feetBoy
DronIndianMahabharata Guru; Teacher of Arjun in Hindu epic 'Mahabharata'Boy
EkalavyaIndianRenowned for his devotion to his guruBoy
GatsharanIndianLiberated by taking shelter of guruBoy
GurbachanIndianOne who abides by guru's wordBoy
GurbachanIndianPromise of the guruBoy
GurbakshIndianGift of guruBoy
Gurbhagat.IndianDevotee of GuruBoy
GurcharanIndianOne who takes shelter in guru's lotus feetBoy
GurcharanIndianFeet of the guruBoy
GurchetIndianOne who remains aware of Guru's wordBoy
GurdasIndianOne who is the slave of the guruBoy
GurdayaIndianOne blessed with the guru's graceBoy
GurdayalIndianCompassionate of guruBoy
GurdayalIndianCompassionate guruBoy
GurdeepIndianLamp of the guruBoy
GurdeepIndianLamp of guruBoy
GurdeepIndianLight from the guruUnisex
GurdevIndianLord; GuruBoy
GurdittaIndianOne born with guru's blessingBoy
GurgianIndianHaving knowledge of Guru's wordBoy
Gurinder.IndianLord; GuruBoy
GuriqbalIndianGlory of the guruBoy
GurjasIndianFame of the guruBoy
GurjeetIndianOne winning the guru's heartBoy
GurjeetIndianOne who wins the guru's heartUnisex
GurjeevanIndianOne who lives a life as ordained by guruBoy
GurjinderIndianTriumph of guruBoy
GurjitIndianTriumph of guruBoy
GurkeeratIndianOne who sings praises of the guruBoy
GurkiranIndianLight of the guruGirl
GurkiratIndianPraise of the guruBoy
GurleenIndianOne who is absorbed in the guruBoy
GurmanIndianHeart of guruBoy
GurmanIndianHeart of guruUnisex
GurmeetIndianFriend of the guruBoy
GurmeetIndianFriend of the guruUnisex
GurmeetIndianFriend of guruUnisex
GurmeetIndianGuru's friendUnisex
GurmukhIndianPious man; One who is guru wordsBoy
GurnamIndianName of GuruBoy
GurnamIndianOne who meditates on Guru's wordBoy
GurnamIndianName of the guruBoy
GurnamIndianGuru's NameUnisex
GurneetIndianGuru's moralGirl
GurneetIndianGuru's MoralUnisex
GurpalIndianOne whose caretaker is the guruBoy
GurpreetIndianThe loved one of the Guru or GodBoy
GurpreetIndianLove of guru; Guru's love; Gurus favoriteUnisex
GurpreetIndianLove of guru; Guru's loveUnisex
GurpreetIndianLove of guruUnisex
Gurpreet.IndianLove for the guruBoy
GurshaktiIndianPower of GuruGirl
GurshantIndianAttaining peace through the word of guruBoy
GursharanIndianRefuge at the guruBoy
GursharanIndianOne who takes shelter in guruBoy
GursimanIndianRemembering the guruBoy
GursukhIndianOne who is blissful through guruBoy
GurtaranIndianOne who is saved through the guruBoy
GurtejIndianGrandeur of guruBoy
GurubachanIndianThe voice of the guruBoy
GurubachanIndianVoice of the guruBoy
GurucharanIndianFeet of guruBoy
GurucharanIndianThe feet of the guruBoy
GurucharanIndianFeet of the guruBoy
GurudasIndianServant of the guruBoy
GurudattIndianBestowed by a guruBoy
GurudattIndianBestowed by GuruBoy
GurudattIndianBestowed by a guruUnisex
GurudeepIndianLamp of the guruBoy
GurudeepIndianLamp of guruBoy
GurudeepIndianLamp of the guruUnisex
GurudevaIndianLord of guruBoy
GurudevaIndianGod of guruBoy
GuruduttIndianGift of guruBoy
GurusharanIndianRefuge at the guruBoy
GurveerIndianWarrior of the guruBoy
GurveerIndianWarrior of the guruUnisex
GurvinderIndianLord; GuruBoy
HemchandraIndianA famous Jain acharya in 12 th Century; Guru of king KumarpalBoy
NaanakIndianFirst Sikh GuruBoy
NanakIndianGuru of SikhsBoy
NanakIndianFirst Sikh guruBoy
SharanIndianTaking the shelter of guruBoy
SharanjeetIndianOne who attains the Guru's shelterBoy
SukhcharanIndianPeace attained through Guru's lotus feetBoy
SukhsharanIndianPeace in taking shelter in guruBoy
VashishtIndianName of a GuruBoy

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