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 Names meaning Jew

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List of Names that means 'Jew'
 Name Origin Meaning Gender
AdiHebrewJewel; OrnamentUnisex
AdiyaIndianGods treasure; JewelGirl
AzinIndianAccessories; JewelryGirl
AzinIranian (Persian)Accessories; jewleryGirl
BalamaniIndianYoung jewelBoy
BalamaniIndianYoung jewel; Small jewelGirl
BalamaniSanskritYoung jewel; Small jewelGirl
Bat ErdeneMongolianStrong JewelBoy
ChandramaniIndianMoonstone; JewelGirl
ChandramaniSanskritMoonstone; JewelGirl
CharusheelaIndianBeautiful Jewel; DiamondGirl
CharusheelaIndianA JewelGirl
CharusheelaIndianBeautiful jewelGirl
CharushilaIndianBeautiful Jewel; DiamondGirl
CharusilaIndianBeautiful jewelGirl
ChudamaniIndianCrest jewelBoy
DiamondEnglishJewel; Bright protector; PreciousUnisex
DiamondIndianJewel; Bright protector; PreciousUnisex
EmeraldEnglishJewel; Power to protect ChastityGirl
EmeraldIndianJewel; Power to protect ChastityGirl
ErdenechimegMongolianJewel OrnamentGirl
GuidittaItalianJewess; Woman from JudeaGirl
GunaratnaIndianJewel of virtueBoy
Hudes  (הוּדֶעס)YiddishJewess; Woman of JudeaGirl
IvoryEnglishJewelry; Tusks of elephantsGirl
IvoryIndianJewelry; Tusks of elephantsGirl
JawaharIndianJewel; GemBoy
JawaharIndianGem; JewelBoy
Jawahir  (جواهر)ArabianJewelsGirl
JawahirIndianPrecious stones; JewelsGirl
JawharIndianJewel; GemBoy
JawharahIndianJewel; GemGirl
JewelEnglishJewel; PreciousGirl
JewelIndianJewel; PreciousGirl
JewellEnglishJewel; PreciousGirl
JewellIndianJewel; PreciousGirl
JitkaCzech & SlovakJewess; Woman of JudeaGirl
JodeneEnglishGod is Gracious; Jewess; PraisedGirl
JodeneIndianGod is Gracious; Jewess; PraisedGirl
JodiEnglishGod is Gracious; Jewess; PraisedUnisex
JodiIndianGod is Gracious; Jewess; PraisedUnisex
JodieEnglishGod is Gracious; Jewess; PraisedGirl
JodieIndianGod is Gracious; Jewess; PraisedGirl
JudiEnglishJewess; Woman of JudeaGirl
JudiIndianJewess; Woman of JudeaGirl
JudieEnglishJewess; Woman of JudeaGirl
JudieIndianJewess; Woman of JudeaGirl
JuditHungarianJewess; Woman of JudeaGirl
JuditePortugueseJewess; Woman of JudeaGirl
JudithEnglishJewess; Woman of JudeaGirl
JudithIndianJewess; Woman of JudeaGirl
JudyEnglishJewess; Woman of JudeaGirl
JudyIndianJewess; Woman of JudeaGirl
JudytaPolishJewess; Woman of JudeaGirl
JuttaGermanJewess; Woman of JudeaGirl
JutteGermanJewess; Woman of JudeaGirl
KanthamaniIndianNecklace JewelBoy
KaustubhIndianJewel of lord VishnuBoy
KaustubhIndianA jewel of lord VishnuBoy
KaustubhIndianImmortal; Jewel of lord VishnuBoy
KeyurangadadhariniIndianBejeweled with armlets and braceletsGirl
KiritmaniIndianJewel in the crownBoy
ManiIndianGem; A JewelGirl
ManiIndianGem; JewelUnisex
ManiSanskritGem; A JewelBoy
ManiSanskritGem; A JewelGirl
ManidharIndianMythical snake with jewel in its hoodBoy
ManidharIndianA mythical snake with jewel in its hoodBoy
ManikaIndianJewels; RubyGirl
ManikaIndianOf Jewels; RubyGirl
ManikaantIndianThe blue jewelBoy
ManikantIndianBlue jewelBoy
ManiramIndianJewel of a personBoy
ManisilaIndianJeweled stoneGirl
ManjushaIndianA box of jewels; Treasure chest; Lady with a sweet voiceGirl
ManjushaSanskritA box of jewels; Treasure chest; Lady with a sweet voiceGirl
MinaIndianFish; JewelGirl
NabhomaniIndianJewel of the sky ( Sun)Boy
NabhomaniIndianJewel of the sky (sun)Boy
NavratanIndianNine jewelsBoy
NeelamaniIndianBlue jewelBoy
NeelkantIndianA Jewel; Lord VishnuBoy
NegeenIndianPrecious Stone; Ring; JewelryGirl
NegeenIranian (Persian)The Precious Stone; Ring; JewleryGirl
NeginIndianPrecious Stone; Ring; JewelryGirl
NeginIranian (Persian)The Precious Stone; Ring; JewleryGirl
PadmakarIndianJewel; Lord VishnuBoy
PannaIndianEmerald; JewelUnisex
PannalalIndianEmerald; JewelBoy
PukhrajIndianTopaz; A Yellow jewelBoy
RanaIndianJoy; Jewel; To gaze; LookBoy
RanaIndianDelighted; Elegant; Elegant Stature; Joy; Jewel; LookGirl
RatnajyotiIndianLight from a jewelGirl
RatnajyoutiIndianLustrous JewelGirl
RatnakarIndianMine of jewels; SeaBoy
RatnakarIndianMine of jewels; Sea; OceanBoy
RatnalekhaIndianSplendor of jewelsGirl
RatnamalaIndianJewels necklaceGirl
RatnangiIndianJewel bodiedGirl
RatnaprabhaIndianLustrous Jewel; EarthGirl
RatnaprabhaIndianLustrous JewelGirl
RatnapriyaIndianLover of JewelsGirl
RatneshIndianLord of Jewels; Lord KuberBoy
RatneshIndianGod of Jewels; Lord KuberBoy
RatneshIndianLord of jewels; DiamondBoy
RatneshIndianGod of Jewels (Kuber)Boy
RatneshIndianLord of jewels; Diamond; KuberBoy
SarangIndianJewel; Musical instrument; Sun GodBoy
SarangIndianMusical instrument; Sun God; Jewel; Spotted deerBoy
ShiromaniIndianSuperb JewelBoy
SroyThaiJewelry; Chain; ValuableGirl
SuryakantIndianLoved by the sun; Glowing; Good Looking; A JewelBoy
SuryakantSanskritLoved by the sun; Glowing; Good Looking; A JewelBoy
SuryakantaIndianA JewelBoy
SuryakantaIndianLoved by the sun; Glowing; Good Looking; A JewelGirl
SuryakantaSanskritLoved by the sun; Glowing; Good Looking; A JewelGirl
SyamantakIndianA Jewel of lord VishnuBoy
SyamantakIndianJewel of lord VishnuBoy
TajIndianCrown; JewelGirl
TajIndianCrown; JewelUnisex
TanishqIndianGold coin; Necklace; JewelUnisex
TiaraIndianRoyalty jewelsGirl
TiaraIndianRoyalty; JewelsGirl
VimalmaniIndianPure Jewel (crystal)Boy
VimalmaniIndianPure Jewel; CrystalBoy
XipilliNahuatlJeweled princeBoy
YehudaHebrewJew; PraisedBoy
YehudahHebrewJew; PraisedBoy
YehudiHebrewJew; PraisedBoy
YehuditHebrewPraise; Jewess; Woman of JudeaGirl
Yidel  (יִדְל)YiddishJewess; Woman of JudeaBoy
YutkeHebrewJewess; Woman of JudeaGirl
Yutke  (יוּטְקֶע)YiddishJewess; Woman of JudeaGirl

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