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 Christian boy names (find page-links at the bottom)  
 Name Meaning Gender
ElyakumGod will establishBoy
ElyasafGod increases the familyBoy
EmersonSon of EmeryBoy
EmeryWork power, Industrious powerBoy
EmmanuelGod is with usBoy
EmmersonSon of EmeryBoy
EmmetEntire, WholeBoy
EmmettEntire, WholeBoy
EmoryWork power, Industrious powerBoy
EndaBird LikeBoy
EngelbertBright, FamousBoy
EnochGods disciple, Dedicated, InitiatedBoy
EnosMan, Human beingBoy
EnoshMan, Human beingBoy
EphahDarkness, GloomyUnisex
ErekEver rulerBoy
EricEver rulerBoy
ErickEver rulerBoy
ErikEver rulerBoy
ErleNobleman, Prince, WarriorBoy
ErnBattle to the deathBoy
ErnestBattle to the deathBoy
ErnieBattle to the deathBoy
Eros Boy
ErrolTo WanderBoy
ErrollTo WanderBoy
ErvinHonor FriendBoy
ErwanYew treeBoy
ErwinHonor FriendBoy
ErykEver rulerBoy
EsmondGracious ProtectorBoy
EsmundGracious ProtectorBoy
EstmondGracious ProtectorBoy
EstmundGracious ProtectorBoy
EthanStrong, Long livedBoy
EthelbertNoble and brightBoy
EthelhardNoble strengthBoy
EthelredNoble CounselBoy
EthelricNoble rulerBoy
EthelstanNoble stoneBoy
EthelwolfNoble wolfBoy
EuanBorn of YewBoy
EugeneLives at the hall, To Cover, ConcealBoy
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