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 Christian boy names (find page-links at the bottom)  
 Name Meaning Gender
GabbyStrong man of GodBoy
GabeStrong man of GodBoy
GableStrong man of GodBoy
GabrielStrong man of GodBoy
GaddielGod is my fortuneBoy
GadielGod is my fortuneBoy
GageMoneylender, Pledge, SuretyBoy
GaigeMoneylender, Pledge, SuretyBoy
GailFather RejoicesUnisex
Galahad Boy
GaleCalm, Tranquil, Sea Storm, Father RejoicesUnisex
GalenCalm, TranquilBoy
GalileeRolling, Turning, Circuit, Region, RingBoy
GallagerForeign HelpBoy
GallagherForeign HelpBoy
GamalielGod is my rewardBoy
GamlielGod is my rewardBoy
GarfieldLives by a triangular fieldBoy
GarlandLand Estate, Cultivated LandBoy
GarnetGarnet (the gem), Precious Stone, Red like a Pomegranate, Born in januaryUnisex
GarnettGarnet (the gem), Precious Stone, Red like a Pomegranate, Born in januaryBoy
GarnetteGarnet (the gem), Precious Stone, Red like a Pomegranate, Born in januaryUnisex
GarretSpear RulerBoy
GarrettSpear RulerBoy
GarrickGrove of Holm OaksBoy
Garth Boy
GarvanLittle rough oneBoy
GaryStrong man of GodBoy
Gawain Boy
GaylonCalm, TranquilBoy
Gearalt Boy
GedSpear Strong, BraveBoy
GedaliaGod is greatBoy
GedaliahGod is greatBoy
GeffreyGod's PeaceBoy
GemariahGod has accomplishedBoy
GeminiTwin, A Zodiac signBoy
GeneWell bornBoy
GeoffGod's PeaceBoy
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